The organizers of the third meeting are 6 coordinators of the Tawasap filial community to the Shua Etsa Association.
Each committee is in charge of different activities and fulfills functions such as:
1. General Coordinator: Tzama. Tzamarenda
2. Planning Coordinator: María Flores
3. Reforestation Coordinator: Nanky Tzamarenda
4. Communication Coordinator: Maricela Manya
5. Logistics and Security Coordinator: Danny Wajuyata
6. Construction Coordinator: Rebeca Shariana
The headquarters of the III meeting will be in the Shuar Tawasap community every year. This year 2017 has been achieved to build the stage where we will have the inauguration, presentation of artists, invited groups and environmental activists from different countries.
STRATEGIC PLANS .- The plans contemplate causing the greatest impact with the meeting and join efforts to change the attitude of the inhabitants of the earth. Within these have been implemented the following plans:
1. Create a practical space in which everyone can participate freely.
2. Create basic elements of social motivation in all categories of human cultures.
3. Merging a cultural identity for global expression in the face of global climate change.
4. Individual or collective invitation, it does not seek to attack for damages to the land, rather it seeks unity to clean and reforest mother earth.
5. Promote alternative proposals at local, national and international level.
OBJECTIVES.- It aims to meet the goal of reforesting two million plants, the same that began in the year 2000 and meet the year 2020. For that, half a million plants have already been planted 500,000. Now they are looking for help to buy or buy 1.5 million sheaths, 1,500,000, for the preparation of plants in the forest nursery, finally these will be planted where there is deforestation, with the purpose of recovering the destruction of the Amazon. In the same way it is necessary to look for people who can help develop this program as a life project.
WORKS.- The construction of:
1. A Mixed Bombo scenario, from there the opening of the third international meeting is scheduled.
2. A stand was built for the exhibition of handicrafts, paintings, gastronomy and plants of the forest nursery.
3. The waterfront of the Yawintsa River was modified, where water competitions were carried out.
4. The square court was prepared for the traditional games in 7 disciplines. PENDING WORKS.-
5. Economic assistance is being sought to purchase electric power cables, trash cans, mobile equipment speakers, microphones, 60 REYCNDP + ECUADOR promotional t-shirts and gigantografias for the third meeting.
Tawasap – Ecuador